How it all happened (or so they say)

Like many good things in the world, the Llama House came into existence as a result of another venture not working out as hoped. Dave moved to the Adirondacks with dreams of growing his NYC based guiding company - Live More Adventures. Trips for all LMA outings were always advertised as “under one roof” and this was to be the ultimate extension of that vision. A permanent basecamp for all the various getaways Dave would soon be organizing…

The mountains have a way of changing plans and that quickly happened here. Dave learned a number of important lessons in his first year:

  • He loved spending time in the Adirondacks

  • Driving people to and from NYC every weekend was a recipe for disaster

  • Working for a great guiding company is even more fun than running (trying to) your own

At this time, Dave was renting rooms to cover the bills while working to grow Live More Adventures. He noticed guests were coming from all over the world and connecting over their shared outdoor experiences - the exact vision of LMA!

Once he realized this more realistic, sustainable and enjoyable path to his goal, Dave switched gears and completely focused on creating the Llama House. Marketing at street festivals in NYC gave way to all night painting sessions and stressful epoxy pours.

With each room concept becoming exceedingly more ambitious than the last, the house morphed into a unique creation of artistic expression. The lodge attracted creative, inspiring & talented minds who in turn contributed their skills to the continued evolution of the Llama House.

This virtuous cycle helped create a space more unique and exciting than Dave could have ever hoped to create when he set his mind on creating the Llama House.